Old Age Care
Our experienced and compassionate nurses and caregivers are well-equipped to offer support with daily personal care activities, which include:
Aiding with morning and evening routines
Providing assistance with bathing (whether through showers, baths, sponge baths, or bed baths)

Alzeimer and Dimentia Care
First and foremost, we recognize the importance of individualized care plans. Each patient receives a carefully crafted plan that takes into account their specific needs, personal preferences, and the stage of their disease. Our team focuses on creating an environment that prioritizes safety and supervision. We implement measures to prevent wandering and minimize fall risks, ensuring a secure living space for our patients.
Baby Care
we understand the unique and delicate needs of infants, and we are committed to providing exceptional baby care services that prioritize the well-being, safety, and development of your precious little one. Whether you are a new parent in need of support, seeking respite, or require additional assistance with your baby's care, Our Home Care is here to provide compassionate and professional baby care in the comfort of your home.

Care at Hospital (Kuruwa)
We understand the emotional and physical toll hospital stays can have on both patients and their families. To ease this burden, our team of compassionate home care nurses and caregivers is committed to providing comprehensive hospital support services that help patients transition from the hospital environment to the comfort of their own homes. Here the exhausted family members can have a break and stay at their home to relax their body and mind.
Hence the hospital journey becomes more easy and comfortable to family members, and they can easily help patient without being self exhausted.

Caregiver training program
Thinking about going abroad, but worried about the stress of being unskilled and not getting job? Don't worry anymore. It may be easier than you think to find work as a CAREGIVER. Before going abroad, all you need is to get your CAREGIVER training. FLORENCE HOME CARE has brought a CAREGIVER TRAINING PROGRAM. This training is open to everyone, and even individuals from different backgrounds can join.
If you're thinking about working in Nepal, we offer 100% JOB PLACEMENT. You don't even need to have an S.L.C. certificate for CAREGIVER TRAINING. Learn to become self-reliant by acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge as soon as possible.
Florence Home Care Family
Contact Address: Florence Home Care Family, Putalisadak, Kathmandu
Contact Numbers: 9841753546, 9848000680, 01-5902133
बिदेश जाने त सोच्दै हुनुहुन्छ, तर अलपत्र होला कि भन्ने तनावले सताइ रहेको छ भने अब चिन्ता नगर्नु होस्, बिदेश गए पछी सबैभन्दा सुरुमा काम पाउने भनेको CAREGIVER मा हो, तर तपाईं सँग सिप छैन भने CAREGIVER को काम पाउन नि गाह्रो हुन सक्छ, तसर्थ बिदेश जानु अगाडि CAREGIVER को सिप लिएर मात्र जानु होला, FLORENCE HOME CARE ले CAREGIVER TRAINING PROGRAM लिएर आएको छ। यो TRAINING जो सुकै र जुन सुकै बिषय लिएका ब्यक्तिले पनि लिन सक्दछ | भद्रा १५ बाट कक्षा धमाधम सुरु हुँदै छ र केही सिट मात्र बाँकी भएकोले आज नै संपर्क गरी आफ्नो सिट सुरछित राख्नु होस् ।
नेपालमा नै काम गर्ने सोच मा हुनुहुन्छ भने , हामी तपाईंलाई १००% JOB PLACEMENT दिने छौ। CAREGIVER TRAINING को लागि तपाईं एस.एल.सी पास नभएनी केही फरक पर्दैन। आजै सिप सिकी अत्मनिर्भर बनउ |
फ्लोरेन्स होमकेर परिबार
सम्पर्क ठेगाना: फ्लोरेन्क्स होमकेर परिवार : पुतलीसडक काठमाडौं
सम्पर्क नम्बर : 9841753546 | 9848000680 | 01-5902133
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.