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Florence Intl Nursing Care Services in Kathmandu Our expert Nursing Home Care Assistance takes a unique approach to care for all. It is the best place to get addressed to your health care needs, sentiments, and emotional support through the most innovative, creative, compassionate, and committed employees. We offer concierge-level services and care management to each and every client. The services range from pediatric care, geriatric care, palliative care, and much more. Our Professional Care Team led by doctors, registered nurses, physiotherapists, dieticians, and lab technicians provides expert, compassionate, and personal in-home care services to promote individual choice, recovery, and independence. With our home-to-home service, we provide different home care, nursing care, and elderly care services to our clients.
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Motto Dedicated to providing quality care whenever, wherever.
Dedicated to Hope, Healing, and Recovery.
To provide a regular and high standard of onsite health services to the individual in need in comfort and safety. In their own homes through trained personnel with the use of standard techniques.
Vision To be one and only one homecare that best understands and satisfies the client’s need. For holistic care and become the trusted health care provider in each community we serve.