1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Provides a detailed analysis of red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets.
- Helps detect anemia, infections, or other underlying blood disorders that may affect overall health or fertility.
2. Blood Grouping
- Identifies the blood type (A, B, AB, or O) and Rh factor (positive or negative).
- Essential for understanding compatibility in case of future pregnancies and avoiding Rh incompatibility.
3. Blood Sugar Level
- Tests fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels to assess the risk of diabetes.
- High sugar levels can impact reproductive health and overall well-being.
4. HbA1c (Glycated Hemoglobin)
- Measures average blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months.
- Provides a long-term view of glucose control and potential diabetes risks.
5. Thyroid Function Test (TFT)
- Evaluates levels of T3, T4, and TSH to detect thyroid dysfunctions like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
- Thyroid imbalances can affect metabolism, energy levels, and reproductive health.
6. HIV I & II
- Screens for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections.
- Important for identifying and managing the virus early to prevent transmission to a partner or offspring.
7. HBSAG (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen)
- Tests for Hepatitis B infection, which can be chronic and contagious.
- Ensures no risk of transmitting the virus to a partner or child.
8. Anti-HCV
- Detects Hepatitis C virus infection.
- Crucial for diagnosing liver-related diseases and ensuring partner safety.
- Screens for syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
- Early detection is vital to prevent complications and ensure safe marital relations.
10. TPHA
- Confirms syphilis infection if VDRL is positive.
- Helps in detailed diagnosis and treatment planning.
11. Urine R/E (Routine Examination)
- Analyzes urine for signs of infection, kidney disorders, or systemic health issues.
- Includes checks for proteins, glucose, and other abnormalities.
12. Semen Analysis
- Evaluates sperm count, motility, morphology, and overall semen quality.
- Critical for assessing male fertility and identifying potential issues that may impact conception.